I've been eating Whole Food, Plant Based for a while now...although I say that with a little shrug. There have been some major slip ups and derailments that caused some major shifts and redirects too many times to count. Every failure is a flop that leads me closer to my mastery of this way of eating and uniting my soul a bit more, though. I'm learning quite a bit about myself, the journey, and this body of mine.
Consistency is key and NOT setting a deadline for my 'success' are pretty vital to me in particular.
I suck at moderation and have to cut it out entirely so my cravings don't creep up and captivate me.
Being "CASUAL" leads me to some "CASUALTIES." Melodramatic, I know. I haven't actually had meat since Easter, so I'm good on animal casualties. But, my body falling a part a little more feels like a casualty.
Timing will NEVER be perfect. I may never perfect this way of eating. But it's all about PROGRESS, NOT PERFECTION.
I do know when I eat this way, I lose weight, my intestines work better, and my stabbing pains & heat intolerance are a bit better. (I'm saying I can handle 71 degrees and lower and the power of a MILLION knives/axes reduces to 909,099). Every little improvement is a big deal for me, though. So, I'll take it! I've seen how others REVERSE their heart disease and no longer need bypass surgery or how others REVERSE their diabetes and no longer need ANY medications. I'm not expecting something as drastic quickly, but I do expect that positive results will follow.
I've learned for me to be successful LONG TERM, I have to have 3 key ingredients:
- Purpose
- Plan
- SuPPort
Without a significant purpose beyond 'losing weight,' 'feeling great,' and tapping into the innate, I would fail every time. My health has declined so drastically that I am desperate for any slight improvement. No better purpose than when all of your sense become desensitized and your body matches the age of a 90 year old in your 30s. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone and hopefully others have a greater purpose to drive such a big change.
PLAN, PLAn, PLan, Plan, plan! When my fridge and pantry get down to only two compliant ingredients that require cutting or cooking, I fail. I inevitably turn to the easy crackers or sugary treats for the quick pick me up. Having plenty of options that are easy, easily accessible, and don't take too much brain power at 7 pm has led to success. Batch cook, menu plan, and have back ups.
SuPPorT~ I have the support of my husband, but he adds meat, milk, cheese, butter, etc to his foods. (Which I'm okay with...this is my journey). I needed extra help from others eating this way and found several on Facebook. It's been a huge blessing. I also have to involve God along the way and I am amazed at the difference it makes.
Here are some of my Instagram (blessedms) posts specifically:
(Some were failures, like this steel cut oats with cinnamon and dried fruit)
(Because of my limitations, I use some processed foods. I hope to eventually cut out all, but until then I have found some good stuff).

(I had 5 grain cereal or steel cut oats every morning for breakfast, until I realized I'm reacting to the oats. I found my LEAP results and sure enough...oats. =( Since cutting it out, my rash and issues cleared up within a few days).

My amazing hubby was able to prepare a good amount of food beforehand so I could just pull out what I needed and reheat in the microwave.

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