If I never see another needle again, I think I'd be happy. I've had 5 spinal taps (2 unsuccessful/partially successful), a thyroid biopsy (2 doctors-1 failed), steroid injections all over my head (? Sort of successful/complications), and today had injections into the back of my head/neck/occipital nerves(1/2 good, 1/2 bad). On the right side he accidentally got a blood vessel, but it wasn't bad. The left side however was different. Immediately the pain increased and I'm happy to be home and in bed. We move tomorrow (some stuff to one house and the other to my in law's house). My timing tends to not be great. :) haha
I would be happy to never have another needle stuck into my body with parts being drawn out. But, I am also grateful for modern medicine.
I've had some extreme medications, diets, and advice from medical professionals over the 18 years of my health journey. But, I tend to get worse and deplete my resources.
Currently I'm on the following medications usually prescribed for:::
- Thyroid
- Depression
- Insulin Resistance (PCOS, not diabetes)
- Parkinson's/Persistent Vegetative State (MS fatigue)
- Seizures (nerve pain)
- Vitamins for malabsorption (ever since that doc messed up, I started to die, with my intestines being the first to shut down)
I went to this Ophthalmologist because he thought my Occipital Neuralgia would get better. It didn't. For YEARS I've had stabbing pains throughout my body (ovaries, ribs, stomach/intestines, head, gall bladder {got that one out, though, happy dance💃}). But, for a year now I've had hair falling out, stabbing eye/face/head pains, swelling, increased pain, nausea, dizziness, and worsening fatigue off an on (plus the other hyperthyroid issues). The last 3-4 months my pain has been so intense that I can't concentrate on conversations. I prefer to write because I can take breaks, reread, have it read to me, or come back when I'm doing okay. Most of the time when someone is talking to me, I can only take in a portion of what they said. The rest of the time I am SO focused on breathing, not vomiting, standing up, seeing, and hearing. All very basic things for everyone, but not me. One of my nerve pain/seizure medications took most of the pain away, but the other issues increased to the point of not being able to function. It's been extremely difficult for me because I LOVE being connected to others, listening to them, sympathizing and offering support. But, truth be told the last several months I've struggled selfishly, because I can only offer that in full when I've read it or I try to overcompensate by sharing something in my life that can relate to the small piece of what I heard. In the end I have talked more about me than I'm used to. Sorry!! I really am trying to listen. :) Thank you for being patient through my faux pas and forgetfulness. Bless you for your patience with me. :)
I usually don't take pain medications. I've had pain, nausea and fatigue every day for 18 years and managed okay. (Okayish once I got pregnant). But the past year I've reached the point where I can't function. So, I'm on meds that are causing problems.
Some people say eating a WHOLE FOOD, PLANT BASED diet/way of eating is EXTREME. I say trying all these tests, medications, surgeries, interventions, and specialists all while getting worse and more and MORE diseases is EXTREME. Why not jump the last of the way in? I've gone 1 month with no meat and after Mother's Day I will cut out
- Sugar
- Dairy
- Eggs
- Possibly Oil
Let's just see if it improves things. If not, no biggie. Everything else isn't working too well. It can't hurt things (I will continue my B12 and Vitamin D).
{{{And in case you're an unlicensed Doctor ready to prescribe your own regimen and advice...plants have protein. 1 cup navy beans = 1 sausage link + 2 pieces of bacon + 1 hotdog. I'm not worried. Calcium also is found in plants. There's great research available supporting a reversal of heart disease and symptoms of autoimmune diseases and even preventing cancer on a WOW (Word of Wisdom) / WFPB diet/way of eating. :) }}}
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