=) I usually try to remain positive and find the silver lining, no matter how dark the cloud. Usually you take time-outs to calm down. But, instead, I'm gonna take an ANGER/FRUSTRATION time-in. Get it all out, then calm down. Almost a reverse time-out, I suppose.
Here's the short version of a LooOOOoong insurance battle. I've dealt with worse, but at the moment this one is wretched enough to get me all riled up.
- Retired teaching career means no more second income and eventually I had no insurance.
- Hubby moved to Kansas before me and I followed. He started his job, but we had to wait 90 days before insurance kicked in.
- Insurance kicked in and we learned that I had to PROVE that I was actually married to my husband with wedding certificate and proof of joint ownership. I was covered, but basically only temporarily covered.
- Faxed wedding certificate and title to the home we just purchased. (We bought a super cheap home because we knew our cars were on their last leg and we wanted to be financially smart).
- Husband received a letter on JANUARY 10th saying they received our documents, but needed additional paperwork by January EIGHTH! (2 days late, HELLO!). Apparently, it wasn't proof enough that I was his wife.
- We called and they said the title to the home wasn't proof enough of joint ownership. They would have been fine with 2 years of taxes (we hadn't been married for 2 years yet by that point). They said a phone bill would have sufficed, instead. Too late.
- I was denied.
- We appealed.
- And waited.
- And waited.
I looked at the positive in that we weren't paying for my insurance, so we could save a bit of money. But, it made me nervous. Especially when we thought I had appendicitis (for two days I had some extreme stabbing pains. I prayed and then the pain started to spread. It wasn't quite the answer I was looking for, but it was a blessing to me. Since it spread, I realized it was my PCOS-the worst it had ever been. Apparently I had angry cysts and my ovaries were mad. After a day of praying, I did get to the point where I could walk around again and dealt with the pain. After about a month and a half it finally subsided, but my energy/strength has lagged behind). The big issue was that I didn't have insurance, so I couldn't go in to check it out.
We finally were approved... AND they said they will back charge us for the time I SHOULD have been covered. So, our paychecks are quite small and it is hard to pay double for an insurance that isn't/didn't do anything for me. (Right now it is basically for emergencies. They don't pay for anything, including prescriptions).
Now, don't get me wrong. I understand the idea behind it. If I had an emergency, I would like this idea that they could back date things and pretend like I was covered. Obviously we need to pay for me to be covered right now and you can never predict what the future holds. Hind sight is 20/20. I know, I know.
And what am I complaining about??? I now have coverage (our health insurance alone is going to be 1/5 of our income starting April 1st...thank you Obamacare, it just keeps getting better). I shouldn't complain! I am EXTREMELY blessed. BUT, tonight, I'm annoyed. It was all because of one appraiser who didn't think a title to a home was proof enough that we BOTH owned something, therefore proving that I was his wife.
Lame. 5-4-3-2-1...time-in/time-out is done. Whew. We survived. =)
On another note:::
My weight loss has been great! I have lost 10 pounds in one month. I have a friend who lost more than a hundred pounds using herbalife. I decided to try herbalife just to see if it would help me. My vision has been worse in the past month and a half. My energy level has been dragging ever since my hemorrhoidectomy surgery and I just haven't bounced back like I usually do. So, I tried it and it helped me quite a bit! I am not cured by ANY means. My vision is still worse, but I had more energy and for the first time in YEARS, I felt like I was getting the nutrition I've been starved of due to my faulty intestines. For the time being, I've quit weight watchers and am putting herbalife on hold. But, it is fine. It gave me a great deal of hope and I've been more excited about weight loss.
I started a weight loss competition and a Fit Club recently, as well. Many are doing very well with the competition. The fit club included a bunch of older ladies and me planning on walking around our town. I did one week, but my body didn't like that plan. So, I've had to quit that as well. With MS, you always have to adjust to the 'new you' and you hope it's not the permanent you. But, even if it is, you just keep plugging along.
A good friend with RA posted this picture recently. It spoke VOLUMES to me! I love it. It makes me think of all of my blessings and perspective. I have a strong support group, even if we live all over the place. Two girls, who are like sisters to me, sent me DoTerra oils recently. They had NO idea ANY of this was going on. But, it was perfect timing (late birthday present). My husband is going to start working on a friend's home. My husband works so hard and is incredibly supportive. My baby has been independent since the second she arrive in this world. These days it is helpful that she wants to do things and can come to me (and is crazy strong). A couple of friends have invited me out and I have loved being around fun people (not that my hubby and baby aren't fun...they are LOADS of fun). There have been all kinds of blessings and answered prayers.
We will be JUST fine. I am incredibly blessed. Sure, sometimes insurance companies or my betraying body infuriate me, but it doesn't last. I cannot forget how blessed I am!
- I can still see enough
- I can still hear enough
- I can still stand long enough
- I can sit without pain (mostly)
- I can lift my baby enough
- I can laugh
- I can drive
- I can pray
- I can stretch
- I can go to church
- I can connect via the internet
- I can read
- I can call
- I can brush my hair and teeth
- I have insurance
- I have a husband
- I have a daughter
- I have friends and family who are wonderful
- I am free
- I have food in the fridge, electricity, heat, and indoor plumbing
- God answers prayers, even if it's not quite what I had in mind
There is SO much more I could add to the list. I had to simply throw out that I AM grateful and even though I can't do what I used to, I still have plenty to smile about. Hindsight IS 20/20. When we were praying about which home to purchase, I got a LOT of 'NO' answers. We were approved for more expensive homes. One realtor took us to the max and ignored our pleas to see cheaper homes that I had found/researched. We dropped him. We finally got a "YES" on this home and I thought it didn't quite make sense why we were going so low. I've had enough experiences, though, that I have learned to trust God. Apparently, it was all working out perfectly! We HAD to have a cheaper home. THANK GOODNESS for God's answered prayers and his watchful eye. Even when we feel like we are being left out to dry, I know that we are not alone. Doesn't mean we're not gonna be beat up by the raging winds, but thankfully we are not left alone.