I had a roommate who used the analogy of good gas/bad gas that fuels your body. It hit home because at one point in my life, we had an itty bitty Geo Metro and filled it with the cheapest gas. It started struggling going up hills, moving through the city, and chugging along slower and sporadic as time went on. After talking to a mechanic, he said to avoid AMPM gas, because it was cheap gas. We paid a little more for the Chevron gas, but found that the engine moved more steady, controlled, and as it was designed to do. Later I bought a used Mazda that I loved. It had no owner's manual, but I never referred to one anyway. In one month, a particular part went out. Come to discover, it was because the engine was particular and had to have mid-grade gas, not the lowest. Even my Chevron gas wasn't enough for this special little engine. Since then, the car has been my favorite. Once I figured out what the engine needed, it ran as it was supposed to.
So, what in the world does that have to do with our bodies and weight loss? If you fill the engine with crap, do you expect the body to perform as it was designed? How do you feel after you eat a meal as pictured above? How do you feel when you eat a balanced meal full of colors? Right now I'm trying to undo the years of eating like above. Let's hope I can revitalize my 'engine' and get it moving smoother, faster, and as it was designed by God.